Thursday, 30 June 2016

Pritesh is the star of the week. He tries hard at school. Pritesh is good at computers and Maths. He helps people who fall over.John said he is my best friend. his other friends are Tawera, Hannah, Toni, Eli and Emily.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Goo and Boo came to school in R week. We patted them gently and remembered not to touch their ears. 

Thursday, 23 June 2016


Wi is the star of the week. Wi is a clever boy who is good at Writing and Maths. He is very careful and neat when he does his handwriting.He likes to play with the soft blocks with his friends. They are Lachlan, Israel, Tawera, Neve and Pritesh.


Wi is the star of the week. Wi is a clever boy who is good at Writing and Maths. He is very careful and neat when he does his handwriting.He likes to play with the soft blocks with his friends. They are Lachlan, Israel, Tawera, Neve and Pritesh.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Toni is the star of the week

Toni is the star of the week. Toni is a good writer and painter. Riyansh said Toni is very strong. He likes to play with his friends outside and play with the soft blocks. His friends are Tawera, Israel, Lachlan and Pritesh.

We had some monkeys visit 
us at Alphabet Afternoon. 

Friday, 10 June 2016


 Our Factathon was a great success. We are good at addition and before and after numbers. So far  we have raised $620.
 Glitter Text @

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

N week

We had fun at Alphabet Afternoon.We had number fun, we painted our nails and made neckties and newspaper fashions. 
Afternoon on PhotoPeach

Friday, 3 June 2016

The photography elective took this photo of us playing with the kites during  Alphabet  Afternoon. 

On friday we had the factathon test. We have been working hard to learn all the facts for the test.  Now we can tell our sponsors how many we got correct and collect the money.
Emily is the star of the week. She is good at Mathletics and handwriting. She is a good reading with her group. She enjoys Maths and thinks she will get 20 correct in the Factathon on friday. Emily is a kind friends. Her friends are Dinithi, Neve, Zantana and Mei. 
flying butterfly animatedflying butterfly animated

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Eli is the star of the week

Eli is the star of the week. Eli went to the same Kindy as Mei. He could write his name by himself at Kindy in the mornings.  He has some new shoes. They make him run fast. Eli is very kind. He is good at handwriting. He is neat and careful. Tawera saw him at New World. He said hi. Eli has many friends. They are Logan, Israel, Tawera, and Wi.